Monday, November 5, 2007

Charity Spotlight: Shoe4Africa

From Samvoice:

It began with a simple act…
In 1995, professional runner, Toby Tanser was living and training in Africa. Though Toby was sponsored by a major sportswear company who provided him with state-of-the-art gear, he saw that many other serious runners in Kenya had no suitable shoes. Immediately, he began giving away his extra sneakers, and passing on his old pairs instead of throwing them out. When runners he'd given shoes to began breaking records and winning medals at important races, he realized that something as small as a single pair of shoes could completely change a person's life. It was then that Toby began reaching out and asking others to donate their own used shoes, and Shoe4Africa was born.

On November 5th, Shoe 4 Africa volunteers will be on Central Park West at 64th ST from 7 am to 2 pm accepting shoe donations from the public. Please bring as many pairs of used shoes as you can collect. Both adult and children’s athletic or leisure shoes are desperately needed.

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