Sunday, August 5, 2007

Tea Room Friend Earns A+ Hostess Badge at Fat Angel Party

Super-stunner Elise Pritchard, known affectionately by friends and fans as "Fat E" explained to the media after her Fat Angels Jersey Shore event why her parties are so successful.

"Alcohol," she told D.W.. "A party just can't be successful unless you have an overflow of liquor."

Guests are still marveling at the large-scale Ice Luge that she had crafted for the debaucherous occasion.

Behind the scenes Fat E worked her magic. She single-handedly headed off a catastrophe when workers arrived with two gargantuan frozen magarita machines which, when plugged in, failed to work.

Ever the intrepid hostess, Fat E instructed an army of bartenders to head to the liquor store and double up on hard alcohol, which already was in abundance hours before 300 guests were scheduled to arrive. Vodka, scotch & tequilla were successfully sent flowing down the canals of the luge for the entire evening, leaving event-goers perfectly smashed.

The Tea Room loves Fat E!

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